Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Blog 24 - Last Presentation Reflection


(1) Positive Statement
What are you most proud of in your block presentation and/or your senior project? Why?

What I am most proud of my presentation is that I did not choke as much as I thought I would. Plus, I thought I would do much worse than I originally thought. I thought of myself messing up or not meeting time, but that was not the case. My information was solid and I was able to present a satisfying presentation

(2) Questions to Consider

a.     What assessment would you give yourself on your block presentation?  Use the component contract to defend that assessment.

P, because I need the minimum requirements and did not strive higher than what was expected of me. 

b.     What assessment would you give yourself on your overall senior project? Use the component contract to defend that assessment.

P, again. I would asses myself with a P because I did not go above and beyond, I did what was required. 

(3) What worked for you in your senior project?
What worked for my senior project was actually the notebook. I knew I had information on it and instead of searching for it online, I refereed back to my notebook. I did not think I would use it as much as I did.
(4) (What didn't work) If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your senior project?
There wasn't much that did not work for my in my senior project, just I would have done a little more during my presentation. Such as having better slides, more pleasing or having props to show the class. More interactive. 
(5) Finding Value
How has the senior project been helpful to you in your future endeavors?   Be specific and use examples.
Senior project actually helped my confidence in presenting. I used to be very shy, and have more of a trembling, freaking out affect. But now, its better. I was pretty comfortable in presenting and I was pretty proud. 

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Exit Interview

(1) What is your essential question, and what are your answers?  What is your best answer and why?
EQ: What qualities can an architect incorporate into a design to evoke a desired psychological effect? My 3 answers are: 1) creativity, 2) health, and 3) culture and history. My best answer would probably be answer one. Because architecture involves many types of engineering and science, it is always advancing. It can incorporate a lot more to make you feel and think certain ways. 
(2) What process did you take to arrive at this answer?
The process I took to arrive at my answer would be countless google searching and using my mentor as a reference and guidance to which direction I should take. 
(3) What problems did you face?  How did you resolve them?
Problems I faced was how I should go about finding a suitable question that I would want to pursue myself. I resolved this by reading articles that had to do about my topic.  
(4) What are the two most significant sources you used to answer your essential question and why?
One of the important sources I used was my mentor. He gave me a lot of advice. Another source I used was my summer school teacher. His class was important because it talked about the history of architecture and its evolution and that is actually part of one of my answers. 

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Blog 22 - Independent Component 2

I, Christian Legaspino, affirm that I completed my independent component which represents 30 hours of work. My source for completing my IC 2 is my mentor, Miyong Chung. What I did for my senior project was do an additional 30 hours. What I did was go with my mentor, shadow him when he has meetings with his clients. During this time, I meet one of his architect friends, Stephen Le, who I shadowed as well. I had a lot of time to talk with my mentor about my senior project and EQ. I had valuable information that was said to me that I can use for my presentation. The significance of this was that I was able to get my mentor's view and thoughts on the idea. While I shadowed him, I saw some things that he would incorporate that deals with my answers. I learned a lot during his meetings with his clients. Plus, when I wasn't at a meeting with him I would be at the office doing additional work to help around. Use AutoCAD the principle system the employees use. 

These are the notes I took when I went with my mentor during one of his meetings with his clients.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Blog 21 - Interview 4 Reflection

1. What is the most important thing I learned from the interview?  
The most important thing I learned form my interview is that architecture is evolving and is continuing to evolve as society flourishes. There is a lot of science and engineering that is taking into fact to make a  suitable living for the users. 
2.  How will what I learned affect my final lesson?
It will help with a closer for my topic. Instead of ending abruptly, I have something to say, like a walk off and maybe convince people to join architecture. There are a lot more positions opening because the people who were in the baby boom are dying off and positions are opening up. 

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Blog 20 - Interview 4 Preparation

Image result for answer to question

1.  Who do you plan to interview?  What is this person's area of expertise?
Who I plan to interview is my main man, my mentor, Mr. Chung. What makes this particular guy an expertise to interview is because his profession is architecture which is, coincidently, my senior topic! 

2.  Post 20 open-ended questions you want to ask an expert in the field concerning your senior project. Your focus should be finding answers to your EQ.
  1.  What is the biggest influence you see architecture inspires through its design. 
  2. How does architecture affect people's health? 
  3. In what ways can you change a room to help benefit an individual's needs? 
  4. When designing a building, what is the most important factor to design first? 
  5. Do you incorporate any foreign design concepts into your buildings? 
  6. How can you alter a room to increase creativity? 
  7. How does culture in architecture affect the community? 
  8. Does architecture define culture or does culture define architecture? 
  9. Which culture has a major influence on architecture? 
  10. Does architecture plan a huge role in health? 
  11. Can architecture have a negative influence on health? 
  12. Can architecture have a negative influence on a person's creativity? 
  13. Is it possible for architecture to have a negative influence on various types of culture? 
  14. How can an architect alter a room/building to influence someone's health? 
  15. Does lighting design have any effect on someone's creativity? 
  16. Can audio have a negative or positive effect on someone's creativity? 
  17. What do you think is the best influence architecture can inspire? 
  18. Is it possible at all that architecture can inspire any feelings within a person? 
  19. What is architecture's best quality it can provide people other that a roof to stay under? 
  20. Is inspiration even considered when designing a building? 

Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Blog 19 - Answer 3

1. EQ 
What qualities can an architect incorporate into a design to evoke a desire psychological effect? 

2. Answer #3 (Write in a complete sentence like a thesis statement)*

Qualities an architect can incorporate into a design are historical and foreign design aspects to influence history and culture. 

3. 3 details to support the answer
  • spanish building are seen through out some buildings, people like it
  • pointed arches are used to bring in more light, used mainly for churches to seem more divine 
  • asian style buildings are used, japanese influence 

4. The research source(s) to support your details and answer
Source 55, 56, and 57

5. Concluding Sentence
By adding foreign design, it can give people a different look on architecture and how they perceive it. 

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Blog 18 - Answer 2

1.  What is your EQ?
What qualities can an architect incorporate into a design to evoke a desired psychological effect?

2.  What is your first answer? (In complete thesis statement format)
Qualities an architect can incorporate into a design to evoke a desired psychological effect is changing the structural, lighting, and audio aspect to inspire creativity. 

3.  What is your second answer? (In complete thesis statement format)
Qualities an architect can incorporate into a design to evoke a desired psychological effect is changing the structural functions in a room to inspire health. 

4.  List three reasons your answer is true with a real-world application for each.
1.) You heal better with a better environment, which in my case architecture comes in. Such as a hospital, the way you design a room or the building itself. 
2.) Putting someone's mind in the right set can help them feel better, which architecture can be a sense of security. 
3.) Having a sense of control in what you do you feel more empowered. That is what architecture can do, control functions within a building. 

5.  What printed source best supports your answer?
Cladwell, Delia, and David Martin. "Five Ways Design Can Make Doctors' Visits Shorter." Five Ways Design Can Make Doctors' Visits Shorter. N.p., 4 Feb. 2016. Web. 5 Feb. 2016.

6.  What other source supports your answer?
My mentor. 

7.  Tie this together with a  concluding thought.
Architecture can have a positive effect in a person state. The way a building is designed and the functions it has can ultimately benefit someones health. 

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Blog 17 - Interview 3 Reflection

1. What is the most important thing I learned from the interview?  
The most important thing I learned for my interview is a possible answer for my essential question. 

2.  How has your approach to interviewing changed over the course of your senior project?
It narrowed down on what I want to ask and where I want to focus. Not a huge change but there is a change from my old, bland questions I would say. 

Interview 3

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Blog 16 - Independent Component 2 Approval

1.  Describe in detail what you plan to do for your 30 hours.
Well to be honest, I don't know what to do yet. I am thinking to either do an additional 30 mentor hours with my mentor or with possibly another mentor, if I am able to find one that focuses on a different aspect of architecture, or I can take an architecture class. I can take one online, there are some free classes. 

2.  Discuss how or what you will do to meet the expectation of showing 30 hours of evidence.
What I can do is log my hours if I do additional 30 hours or if I take a online class of my topic I can provide proof of my class. Possibly showing my grade, unless my grade is humiliating to my family's pride. 

3.  Explain how this component will help you explore your topic in more depth.
Having a different mentor and taking a class gives me a different perspective on how to view and take on architecture. I been viewing it my way as well as my mentors. It provides a different way oth thinking and a way to expand on where I want to go. 

4.  Post a log in your Senior Project Hours link and label it "Independent Component 2" log.
Sure thing. 

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Independent Component 1

I, Christian (Lego) Legaspino, affirm that I have completed my independent component which represents 34 hours and 30 minutes of work. During my independent component, I did not use a written source to help complete my project. What I did use and reference for help was my mentor's coworker, Bob L., who works at CMC Architects and Engineers. What I did for my independent component was build a model of one of my mentor's client's house. My mentor gave me the task and I used this opportunity as my independent component. So as I stated, I built someones house to give the client a representation of what their house will look like. I built a exact replica of what the house will look like. From the facade of the building to the roofing. 

Oh this project took over 30 hours alright. Making a professional model for my mentor's client when I have little to none experience is not an easy task. I had a hard time cutting, gluing, and keeping the model clean. 

This was the beginning stages of my model. Looks neat doesn't it? This is when I first started piecing the facades of the building together. These are the main walls of the building. The front section of the house was a whole new thing. Because the house is proportional to the real thing, the spacing and alignment of these walls needed to be on point. Which in my eyes were pretty darn well. Then I cut of more walls or features of the house and attached it to the house. The detailing of the house took a while. You think that would be the easy part or let along the easy part, but boy am I wrong. If I mess up gluing the detail onto the walls...I ruin the aesthetic appeal of it (which I learned the hard way). 

Pretty nice, huh? 

How about this angle? Looking good. 

This model took a lot of work. I had to be delicate so I would not break it while also being careful so I keep the model looking nice. What it is laying on is the foundation of the place the actual house will be at. The contour of the lade and how the house will be laid respected to its surroundings. 

This helped me with the foundation of my senior topic by the design aspect and the precision of how the pieces are fitted in. Because of the way the house was built I can see the functionality of things. Such as the spacing of rooms, or even why some things are placed the way they are. 

Blog 15 - Lesson 2 Reflection

Image result for feeling of relief

1.What are you most proud of in your Lesson 2 Presentation and why?

What I am most proud of in my Lesson 2 Presentation is that I kept my cool and did not choke. Man, what a relief. In my first presentation, I forgot what I was going to say and I went silent. Not this time! I was able to to complete my 10-minute lecture content and finished my lecture with all that I needed to say. 

2. a.     What assessment would you give yourself on your Lesson 2 Presentation (self-assessment)?

I would give myself a P. 

     b.     Explain why you deserve that grade using evidence from the Lesson 2 component contract.

I would give myself a P because I think I had a pretty solid presentation. I did what was required of me, I turned in what I needed to, I did my 10-minute lecture time, I provided an answer, I was engaging to the audience, and I dressed fairly nicely. 

3. What worked for you in your Lesson 2?

What worked for me in my Lesson 2, would be real life scenarios and pictures, a lot of pictures. Using real life scenarios and pictures help explain what I am trying to present on. Clarifies it better. 

4. What didn't work? If you had a time machine, what would you have done differently to improve your Lesson 2?

To be honest, I do not know what did not work during my presentation. I think everything went fine. Probably I would try to add jokes or funny images to capture my audience attention more. 

5. What do you think your answer #2 is going to be?

What I think will be my answer #2 is... health. Yes, health. What does architecture have to do about health? Well you would need to attend my 3rd presentation. 

Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Blog 14 - Interview 3 Preparation

1.  Who do you plan to interview?  What is this person's area of expertise?
I plan to interview my summer professor who I took a class with on architecture. He has been teaching architecture for a couple of years and is a certified architect. 

2.  Verify that you have called your interviewee to schedule an interview.  What is the date and time of the interview? 

I can not verify because I have no contacted this person yet. 

3.  Phrase an open-ended question that will help you find research resources that would help to answer the EQ.

How can I learn about the effects of architecture has on an individual? 

4.  Phrase an open-ended question that will help you think about other useful activities you might do to help you answer the EQ (IC2, possible experts to talk to, etc).

When designing a building, what aspect do you make a priority? 

5.  Phrase two open-ended questions that help you to understand your interviewee's perspective on an aspect of your EQ.
What do you want your client to feel when design your building?
In what ways can you ensure your client is content with what you build?

Friday, January 8, 2016

Blog 13 - 10 Hour Mentorship Check-in

1.   Where are you doing your mentorship?
I am doing my mentorship at CMC Architect and Engineers in El Monte. 

2.   Who is your contact?  What makes this person an expert?
My contact is Mr. Chung, the big man of the firm. What makes him an expert is that he has been doing architecture for over 20+ years. 

3.   How many  hours have you done during the school year? (Summer Mentorship Hours and Mentorship Hours should be reflected separately in your Senior Project Hours log located on the right hand side of your blog).
I have completed about half of my school year mentorship hours. I have 28 hours. 

4.   Succinctly summarize what you did, how well you and your mentor worked together, and how you plan to complete the remaining hours.
I worked on programs (AutoCAD) and did some overlooking of plans. My mentor and I are pretty good to one another, there are no problems. I plan to complete my hours by continuing to go to his office and do more work he wants to give me. 

Monday, January 4, 2016

Blog 12 - Holiday Project Update

1.  It is important to consistently work on your senior project, whether it is break or we are in school.  What did you do over the break with your senior project?
I actually did a lot over break and boy did it take a lot out of my time. I complete a lot of my mentoring hours and I started my first independent component during the beginning of the break. 

2.  What was the most important thing you learned from what you did, and why?  What was the source of what you learned?
The most important thing I learned from what I did was not to wait so late to get work done. It ruins you in the future. I wasn't able to enjoy my break completely because I had to get senior project done. The source of what I learned was my misery of not being able to enjoy break. 

3.  Your third interview will be a 10 question interview related to possible answers for your EQ. Who do you plan to talk to and why?
For my third interview, I plan to ask my summer architecture professor. I met him before and I hope he is willing to be able to spare a little of his time for me. He has a lot of experience in the field and hopefully shed knowledge on my topic.